Guided meditation

WHO? You.

WHAT? 20-30 minute meditation, a blend of vipassana, examen, and centering practices, guided by Bill.

Tuesdays at 4:00pm PT/ 5:00pm MT/ 6:00pm CT/ 7:00pm ET
Thursdays at 4:00pm PT/ 5:00pm MT/ 6:00pm CT/ 7:00pm ET

WHERE? Wherever you're most comfortable. We'll connect via Zoom.

WHY? To carve out a little space and time for some peace and quiet. To practice being present to yourself, to others, and to the rest of the world. To just turn the rest of the world off for half an hour. To attend to feelings of stress, anxiousness, and restlessness. To...the reasons are endless!

There's no need to commit to participating every week - there's no need to commit to anything at all! Come and participate when you need or want a little peace and quiet.

To register for guided mediations, please provide some basic contact information below. You'll receive a calendar invitation with a link to join the guided meditation at the email address you provide.

Interested in finding a little peace & quiet with your colleagues, friends, or family?
We can provide one-time or ongoing guided meditation and individual/small-group instruction on mindfulness and reflection. Let’s connect!

Throughout guided meditations, I invite participants to close their eyes and focus on their breath, but for some folx it’s easier to focus on something. Each week, I leave a different image on the screen. I take all these photos and share many on social media as record of my walks around town, of my travels, and of things that strike me.

Looking for a little peace and quiet right now? Visit my Guided Meditations playlist on YouTube.